Last Updated on August 4, 2023 by Hotjobsng
Table of Contents
Npower 2021/2022 Registration and Application
We will be discussing NPower recruitment Steps and requirements in this Post. Applicants are to note that the application process is completely free and there is no application fee. Applicants for N-Power 2021/2022 are requested to read and understand all relevant information prior to applying. So if you want to know how to apply for Npower and login to your Npower profile and portal, kindly follow the steps below.
Click to see how to Login to the New Npower Portal 2022/2023 (nasims.gov.ng)
Click to see latest News on Npower Shortlisted Candidates 2020/2021
NPower Application Requirements 2023/2024
• First read up the various NPower Programmes below: This is to ensure that you know the category that will suite you best.
See also: Latest NPower News and Updates
How to Login to the New NPower Portal 2023/2024
Kindly follow the guide below to Login to your Npower Profile.
Login by visiting Npower Volunteer Network here: https://nasims.gov.ng/
For first time users, recover your password using the underlisted procedures:
- Click on login
- Use the “Forgot Password” Option
- Enter your N-POWER application email
- Click on “Send Link”
- Check your mail and follow the instructions to reset your password.
After successful reset of password, please login to update your records.
How to Prepare for N-Power 2023/2024 Recruitment (npower.fmhds.gov.ng)
Dear Intending N-Power 2020 Applicants, Here is how to prepare for the N-Power application:
- Portal opens 11.45pm, June 26th, 2021.
- Log on to the portal via https://npower.fmhds.gov.ng/signup
- Application is FREE. Do NOT pay anyone to apply on the N-Power portal.
- Get a printout or accurate details of your BVN.
- Note: During Registration you are required fill in your name as written on their BVN slip into the application form.
Please Click and Download the Image Below for full guide on how to prepare for today n power Application:
How to Apply for N-Power 2023/2024
- Before you go on to apply, ensure you have a printout or accurate details of your Bank Verification Number or BVN and a recent passport photograph.
- On the Npower website click on “Apply for N-Power Volunteer Corps”.
- Once you get on the application portal, you will be required to read the terms and conditions of the N-Power Programme and accept that all the information you will provide must be truthful and accurate.
- Fill in your 11-digit BVN; then fill in your surname, first name, and middle name in identical terms to your BVN information; followed by details of your active bank account;
- If your BVN details are inaccurate, you will not be permitted to go past this interface. If the BVN details are accurate, you will be allowed to proceed to the application portal to fill in all the personal information required and your academic qualification. You will receive a unique N-Power identification number;
- Ensure to provide your own telephone number and email so that you can be reached directly;
- You will also need to upload your passport photograph in either JPEG or PNG files in no more than 25 kilo bytes.
- Before you complete your application, you will be assessed on your knowledge of grammar, general knowledge, and for N-Power VAIDS, basic numerical concepts.
For full details on how to register for N power Volunteer corps click the following Link: Npower Volunteer Corps Registration
What is the Portal for N-power 2021/2022 Registration / Application
The portal for N-power 2021/2022 registration is npower.fmhds.gov.ng
What are the N-power programs suitable for SSCE certificate holders
N-Power Agro, N-Power Build, N-Power Creative and N-Power Tech are suitable for secondary (SSCE) certificate holders.
Application Deadline
Enrollment exercise for a new group (Batch C) of N-Power beneficiaries is to begin on June 26.
N-Power begins enrollment for 2021 Batch C applicants
The Ministry of Humanitarian Affairs, Disaster Management and Social Development has announced the next step for the N-power Batch C Stream One applicants.
The Permanent Secretary, Bashir Alkali, in a statement on Sunday said the ministry has commenced the next stage of enrollment with the verification of email addresses by applicants.
Shortlisted applicants are to check their respective email addresses for confirmation and further information.
He further directed applicants to log into www.nasims.gov.ng to enrol their biometric data.
He also advised applicants to contact NPower helplines at
If you want to be among the first to know when N-Power Portal will be open for application, bookmark this page and check frequently.
If you have any confusion, kindly drop a comment below and we will attend to you.
Please notify me when the registration starts.
Pls u guys should be careful na scam,no one is allowed to have ur bvn no pls be careful against fraudster
Thank you brother
I actually was thinking about that. There must be another way of confirming an applicant is genuine order than their BVN which is a personal info no one else should know
No be scam oga
My Allah ged me
Sir Inform me please
Inform us please
Trying to register for the npower. Hopefully my application will be accepted.
If it’s ready please notify me
Thank you sir
I want to be informed of the the npower recruitment 2020 program
Notify me when the register is out
Please notifty me when the registration commence,thanks.
Please, notify me when it is out
Please sir.
I click the address on the second step to login and register.
But the page is blank. What can I do sir
Pls notify me when the registration is on 07039583359
Thank you.
Mohammed Sabo
Notify me immediately they start any government recruitment
Notify me please. Thank you!!!
Please i want to be notified when the registration is on
Please notify me when the registration start, thanks.
Please notify me when the portal is open
Thank you!Please inform us as soon as possible.
Please I need a clarification on the matter of registering my name in identical to my BVN,
For instance, my surname is Asiegbu, first name is Chukwuma and the middle name is Christian which starts as Asiegbu Chukwuma Christian.
But in my BVN, my name goes this way, Chukwuma Christian Asiegbu, please am I to write it according to my BVN irrespective of where my surname name falls in.
Hello please you are required fill in your name as written on their BVN slip into the application form.
Please information about N-power please.
Please inform me when the registration start sir /ma… Am new here sir
Please notify me when the registration starts
Please notify me when the registration starts.
How about those that are already enjoying it , are they going to be stopped ?
Batch A and B graduates will be disengaged.
Please keep me updated once npower fresh recruitment starts.
pls notify when the portal is finally open
How long will the registration lasts and what are the necessary documents needed for the registration?
No comprehensive info yet except that all applicants must supply their Bank Verification Number (BVN) in their application.
Please can i apply n-power without BVN ?
You cannot Apply for Npower without BVN.
Please notify me when the registration starts
Please notify me when the recruitment start.thanks
Please notify Mr when the empowerment begins.thanks!
Thank you a lot and welcome, we are waiting that since. We are hoping to achieve and to be among the successors
Sir. My name is Muhammad but in some my academic qualifications, i got an error their writing like this Mohammed, I spoke to them abut this error, they said no any problem with me, is not a problem, Muhammad and Mohammed is all thesame, Sir I hope this error it will not effect me. Thanks you Sir.
Please what are the requirements needed for registration and can’t I register with my phone?
For now just make sure you have your BVN. Please check by 26th for complete info about Registration.
Please do notify me as soon as the portal is open
Please notify me. Thank and God bless
What are the duties to performed by the N-power applicants when granted the privilege
when the portal is opened,
please inform us thank you sir
I want to apply for the N-power registration for 2020/2021 recruitment.
Pls notify me when the portal is available
Can an unemployed person of 50 years apply?
Please can undergraduate also apply for the N-power empowerment scheme
Pls notify me when the portal is available
How long will the registration lasts and what are the necessary documents needed for the registration?
No information yet as to how long it will last. Please check the post for the general requirements for Npower. Also ensure you have your BVN.
Please when it’s time to apply how do I go about it?
Portal opens June 26th. For now just make sure you have your BVN
Can an unemployed ND holder of 49 years old apply for this NPOWER job sir. Please I want to apply. Thanks.
I’m graduated in accounting and auditing which types of Npower can I apply for pls I need ur suggest
Thanks for this vital information. Please kindly keep us updated.
God bless the initiator of this program ( n-power ).I will be glad to be part of the next batch beneficiary of n-power.God bless Nigeria.
Pls sir can i register with my phone
Yes you can register with your phone.
Can o level apply npower?
Yes you can.
Please I need a clarification on the matter of registering my name in identical to my BVN,
For instance, my surname is Abubakar, first name is Buhari and the middle name is Gabdo which starts as Abubakar Buhari Gabdo in my BVN,
But in my credentials my name goes this way,
Abubakar Buhari please am I to write it according to my BVN irrespective or there’s going to be problem please.
Do not worry about that, You won’t have any problem. Just follow the directions on the site.
We really appreciate your kind gesture…Sir,keep it up and May Almighty Allah reward you abundantly.
Thanks alot
We are waiting this opportunity.
This is the greatest Avenue and opportunities for the Nigerian youth so notify me when it’s ready, thanks
Can I submit it without my education result..
Yes you can.
Please sir…do I need my primary and secondary schools testimonials for registration??
N-Power is open to all for Application. Education or Not.
I read library and information science in my national diploma ND can I apply N-agro pls…thanks
Pls sir, can a ND holder apply?
Yes, you can Apply.
Please when the portal will be ready? How can i apply?
Tomorrow, 26th June 2020.
ok sir were are still waiting sir thank you sir
Post has been updated.
Please i need help im want make i get n pawer i want go back to highs school
Very nice and wonderful information thank you and God bless you and my country.
sir my bvn was identified and i filled up my bio and contact part but the thing is not moving to the next chamber
Wait till 11:45pm today for the application to start.
Thank you very much for the genuine information and guidelines. U guys are really amazing infact you are my best blog site of the year so far. I have notting left to do now than to bookmark u and share your link. Thanks.
Please Sir, notify me. Thanks for your time and endless efforts.
Please, can i start up the registration with my phone, and later go to a cyber cafe to upload the necessary documents?
Can a serving Corp member who doesn’t not have NYSC dispatch certificate and also passing out February apply for Npower?
Yes go ahead and Apply. But if you wish to Apply for N-Teach or N-Health, you must have your degree and NYSC certificate. For other programs, you don’t need it.
With hnd can I apply for n health or n teach
Yes you can apply for that.
Pls i try logging in, but not opening, kindly share the right link for registration, thanks.
The portal will be fully open this night.
Can i apply to n health with ND in EHA testimonial.
Pls sir,can NCE apply for N Teach without NYSC certificate or can I go for Agro
You can go for Agro. N Teach requires NYSC Certificate.
what time is the site going to open fully today/
waiting till 11:45pm today
Please sir inform me when ssce holders starts their own registration.
Those who applied before the stipulated time, because the site is responding to applications. Will it still be rendered null and void? If yes, will they be disqualified from applying again? And again, the site isn’t responding to Gmails or Yahoo, except outlook. Why please?
Yes it will be rendered null and void. Please make proper application tonight when the portal is officially open.
Please sir can nce without NYSE certificate apply? thanks
Yes. But you cannot apply for N Health and N Teach without NYSC Certificate.
Sir I couldn’t verify my email address
Please sir, can one apply with SSCE?? If yes, what category will one apply for
You can go for NPower Tech or Npower Agro.
I registered but have not received any mail Sir
Also, I tried logging in but it took me a place where they wrote MY APPLICATION AND I CAN’T MOVE UP OR DOWN.
please sir what do I do
Please check your spam folder for the email.
Sir, I can’t use my current account for now, because some intruders got access to my BVN number and account number. I don’t know may be I can still go ahead and apply for n-power since these details are needed. Though I am planning to get new account and Bvn.
When are you planning on getting the new account?
Ibrahim abdurrahaman abdurrahamanibrahim686@gmail.com
pls am an ssce holder what category do i fall when applying?
You can Apply for Npower Agro or Npower Tech.
Please sir I wasn’t given the test but it says ive successfully registered and should wait for the email why? Isnt the assessment compulsory?
Please, is there a place that will be required for one to upload SSCE certificate for non graduates?
You can Apply for N Tech or Agro with SSCE.
Please notify me when the registration starts thanks you
pls it urgent
pls sir am ND graduate when I wanted to register and I got to the second stage where I put in my school,course it asking for my nysc status maybe completed or in progress please which one should I choose out of the two or did I make any mistake….or as an OND graduate which program are my eligible to go for because I picked nteach
You must have NYSC Certificate before you can apply for NTeach. You can apply for N Tech or Agro.
Good day Sir, please I graduated late last year with ND but yet to receive my result due to to covid 19 school shutdown. Is it allowed to apply with awaiting result.
Please what can I do to apply ???
You can Apply for Agro or Tech.
i’ve tried everything i know on how to sign up and register,but all to no avail. please direct me,thank you.
Thank you sir
I have been trying to apply and but my mail has been taken, when i get to the application to feel in my details, i can go further by feeling the details. Please can someone help me out with useful information? Thanks
Pls sir I’m having difficulty in getting the column to fill in the details needed for applying,ie email, password and so on. I’m a WAEC holder please I want you to assist me thanks and God bless you
Please I want to ask that if someone have registered this form two time with the same BVN but different field and different email is the person is disqualified or not?
Sir, I was unable to get pass Bio_data Contact detail Count n N-power 2020 web. (cause whenever I fill up the page and press continue, the page will just reload itself). Any solution sir.
Can i apply with SSCE statement of result now.
Please I have been looking for the form online to apply but I . can’t find it please help direct me. The portal is refusing to open.
I have lost my national ID card and voter ID card can I still apply
Please sir after filling the information and uploading my passport I clicked to the next page but it’s blank. What should I do?
After I clicked on the application, I entered my email address and click on submit, but it was just displaying error. Don’t really know the cause. What can I do please? Coz I have tried it times without number.
i want know how to apply npower online through my phone
Wow nice of them
good work
Please can I apply for n-power online on my phone?
Please sir is it late to apply now
Yes. Wait for next batch
Please notiphy me when the form is out my number-08111945626
Can I register it here
Can I register here in my phone
Am waiting please, let me know when the form is out
Am proud of my country Nigeria, and I pray the nation will continue to grow in peace and unit; and I will be happy if I get this job thank you very much .
Am adewusi bayo am interested in the npower program plz keep me update my number 09121280866 thanks
Am proudly with my mother Country Nigeria and our leaders Federation for assisting youth.
am interest to N Pawer keep me and my phone Number 09027246351,God Blesses Nigeria.
pls when is npower 2022 starting
pls when is npower 2022 starting
I am pray that let npower to pay us now
Am hear to inform that I want be workers for Nigerian nPower.
I love to be a citizen
I want to apply for npower
I will be happy if my request has been granted thanks
I want to apply for npower I will be glad If my request will be granted
I want to apply for npower
Please notify me when 2022 registration starts
Pls notify me when 2022 registration of npower is start
I need job m power
Ho cant apply plesaes and please
Pls notifly me when the registerations come out
Thanks for your god
Ho cant apply plesaes and please
I want apply plesaes and please
Please notify me whenever the registration starts
Please notify me whenever the registration starts please
Please notify me when the registration starts
how can’t apply please and please
Please notify me whenthenext npower application registration will begins for 2022/2023
I want apply this time please notify me when the portal is open